الاثنين، مارس 4

(Lifetime Story(by Mariam Mohamed Reda

I want somewhere where evil would hide

Where virtues would flow from each one’s inside

A place where all consider one another as queen

And with the clearness of the moon all can be seen

I want somewhere where love can spread

A place where good morals guide us ahead

A place where there is no room for regret

A place where what we deserve we can get

I want somewhere where all can be friends

A true brotherhood that any damages it mends

A place where love is the only guide

Where our beloved ones will always be at our side

I want a place where hatred cannot be found

Where the name of God is the only rising sound

I want a place where I can be me

A place where I could simply be free

But I wander in our plane world like a crazy maniac

In my lifetime story, I am waiting for purity to return back

Why do we live in such a world full of tears?!

And we just comfort ourselves with hope throughout the years

Let’s work in order to make our lives worth while

Let’s make our journey enlightened with passion in every mile

Let’s build our one Utopia where peace can prevail

And the goodness inside of us can lower it’s veil

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